What to know about Callery pear trees, the pretty


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Aug 08, 2023

What to know about Callery pear trees, the pretty

Little did you know that those trees with the pretty white flowers were actually

Little did you know that those trees with the pretty white flowers were actually high on the Ohio Department of Agriculture's blacklist.

Callery pears have been a catch amongst planters in the United States for years. Now, experts say they've overstayed their welcome. Here's everything people in the Buckeye state need to know about the trees, which can no longer legally be sold or planted in the Buckeye state.

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Native to Asia, Callery pears are ornamental trees that can grow up to 60 feet tall with silky springtime blooms. They reached the country over a century ago, but the Bradford pear variety gained popularity in suburban areas throughout more recent decades.

People like growing Callery pears because they reproduce easily and can tolerate the rough growing conditions that often accompany lawn areas near sidewalks and roads. And, even enemies concede that they are attractive.

"They do have nice form," said Dan Kenny, chief of the Ohio Department of Agriculture's plant health division. "They have kind of a glossy leaf that looks nice. It's a good-looking tree."

Aesthetically pleasing or not, Callery pears spread easily, leaving inadequate space for Ohio's homegrown plants.

"They reproduce by seeds, which are moved by birds prolifically," Kenny said. "You'll see it along the roadside and in disturbed areas just coming out by the hundreds. It crowds out native vegetation."

In an attempt to clear space for the state's born-and-raised, the department deemed Callery pears invasive in January 2018. This decision spurred a five-year grace period during which the trees could still be sold. The grace period gave sellers time to financially brace for the eventual banning of Callery pear sales and growth in the state.

The five-year window expired in January 2023.

Yes, and if you are too, it's safe to say you've probably crossed paths. They were blooming quite recently.

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"If you noticed about a month ago, you could see all of these small trees with white flowers that were just coming up all along the roadway," Kenny said. "Looks really nice, but those are Callery pears--almost every one of those is a Callery pear."

No, not if you notice them in plain sight.

However, the Ohio Department of Agriculture asks that people file reports on their website if they see Callery pears being sold at stores or nurseries.

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